Healthy Alternatives to Vaping for Teens: Tips for Parents

As a parent, it’s important to recognize that many teenagers face stress and anxiety due to school, social pressures, and other challenges. Unfortunately, some may turn to vaping to cope with these feelings, which can lead to addiction and other health risks. However, there are healthy alternatives to vaping that parents can encourage their teenagers to try.

Exercise is one of the most effective alternatives to vaping, as it releases endorphins that can improve mood and reduce stress levels. Encouraging your teenager to engage in physical activities like running, playing sports, or doing yoga can provide a healthy outlet for stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness is another powerful tool for managing stress and anxiety. Teaching your teenager how to practice meditation, deep breathing exercises, or other mindfulness techniques can help them become more aware of their thoughts and emotions and learn how to manage them in a healthy way.

Socializing with friends is also a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Encouraging your teenager to spend time with positive and supportive friends can help alleviate negative feelings and promote positive ones. Activities such as going out for a movie, trying a new restaurant, or just hanging out at home can provide a fun and effective way for your teenager to cope with stress and anxiety.

It’s important to remember that these alternatives are not a replacement for professional help if your teenager is struggling with severe anxiety or mental health issues. If you notice signs that your teenager is struggling, it’s essential to seek the help of a licensed therapist or healthcare professional.

In addition to these healthy alternatives, the VapeEducate course offered by ActionEducate is an excellent resource for parents who want to learn more about the dangers of vaping and how to help their teenagers make healthier choices. This course provides comprehensive information on the risks of vaping and strategies for quitting or avoiding vaping altogether.

By encouraging your teenager to try these healthy alternatives to vaping, you can help them manage stress and anxiety in a healthy way, without the risks associated with vaping. And for parents who want to learn more about vaping and its dangers, the VapeEducate course offered by ActionEducate is a valuable resource.

Can Children Become Addicted to Vaping?

Vaping has become a major public health concern, especially among children and adolescents. In recent years, the use of electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes, has risen significantly among youth, and with it, concerns about the addictive potential of vaping. In this post, we will explore the question of whether children can become addicted to vaping.  

First, it’s essential to understand what vaping is and how it works. Vaping involves inhaling and exhaling the aerosol produced by an electronic cigarette or other vaping device. The aerosol, commonly known as vapor, is created by heating a liquid (usually containing nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals) to a temperature that turns it into a vapor.

Nicotine is the addictive substance in e-cigarettes and is the primary reason why vaping can be addictive. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug that can lead to changes in the brain that increase the likelihood of addiction. When nicotine enters the body, it stimulates the release of dopamine, a chemical that is associated with pleasure and reward. Over time, the brain can become dependent on nicotine to produce dopamine, which can lead to addiction.

Now, can children become addicted to vaping? The answer is yes. Children are at particular risk of becoming addicted to nicotine because their brains are still developing. Research suggests that exposure to nicotine during adolescence can lead to changes in brain development that increase the likelihood of addiction, as well as a range of other health problems.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), e-cigarette use among U.S. youth increased by 1.5 million users between 2017 and 2018, with approximately 3.6 million middle and high school students reporting current e-cigarette use in 2020. This is a concerning trend, as the earlier a child begins using nicotine, the more likely they are to become addicted.

In addition to the addictive potential of nicotine, vaping can also lead to other health problems, including respiratory problems, heart disease, and stroke. There have also been reports of severe lung injury associated with vaping, which has been dubbed “vaping-associated lung injury” (VALI).

Children can become addicted to vaping, and it’s a major public health concern. As parents and educators, we need to educate our children about the risks associated with vaping and provide resources for quitting. ActionEducate’s VapeEducate program can help teach students about the dangers of vaping and offers young adults tools to handle challenging social situations involving vape products. If you or someone you know is struggling with nicotine addiction, talk to your healthcare provider for support and guidance.

Empowering schools to help students quit vaping – three effective ways to make it happen.

Vaping has become a major concern in schools across the country. The use of e-cigarettes and other vaping products among teenagers has increased significantly in recent years, with many students becoming addicted to these harmful substances. As a result, schools have a responsibility to help students quit vaping and lead healthier lives. This post will explore three ways schools can help students quit vaping.

  1.  Education and Awareness

One of the most effective ways schools can help students quit vaping is by providing education and awareness programs. These programs can educate students about the dangers of vaping and the health risks associated with it. By providing students with accurate and relevant information, they will be better equipped to make informed decisions about their health.

Schools can offer a variety of educational resources, such as classroom lessons, guest speakers, and informational materials. These resources can help students understand the impact of vaping on their bodies and the risks of addiction and long-term health consequences. Additionally, schools can use social media platforms and other digital resources to disseminate information to students and parents. VapeEducate is a comprehensive program option used by schools around the world.

2.   Support and Counseling

Another way schools can help students quit vaping is by providing support and counseling services. These services can help students who are struggling with addiction to vaping and provide them with the tools they need to quit. Counseling services can include individual or group sessions, support groups, and referrals to addiction treatment programs.

By providing students with these services, schools can create a supportive and safe environment where students can talk openly about their struggles with addiction. These services can also help students develop healthy coping mechanisms and provide them with the emotional support they need to quit vaping for good.

3.    Policy and Enforcement

Finally, schools can help students quit vaping by implementing policies and enforcing regulations prohibiting the use of vaping products on school grounds. By creating a healthy and supportive environment that is free of vaping, schools can help students resist the temptation to vape and focus on their academic goals.

Policies can include prohibiting the use of vaping products on school property, as well as implementing consequences for students who violate these policies. Additionally, schools can provide resources to help students quit vaping, such as nicotine replacement therapies or other cessation programs.

Schools have a critical role to play in helping students quit vaping. By providing education and awareness programs, support and counseling services, and implementing policies and regulations, schools can create a healthier environment for students to thrive. Together, we can help students quit


It is safe to agree that parenting is well and truly the toughest and most complicated job in the world. If most parents had their way, their children would stay young forever. This is because as children begin their teenage years and eventually grow into adulthood, the task of parenting becomes monumentally difficult. 

Nowadays, the level of peer pressure between teens can only be referred to as crazy. It is no news that at the teen level, children tend to be as adventurous as they possibly can in an effort to tick off their “bucket list”. During this stage (usually between 13 and 19), children develop and mature physically, emotionally, mentally, morally and socially. This is the period during which your child struggles to build an identity or personality, and the identity he/she tries is influenced monumentally by the environment and social pressures. One of such social pressures which is rapidly gaining popularity is the issue of vaping.

What is Vaping?

The legalization of cannabis in various parts of the United States and the world, in general, has inherently led to the growth of the vaping industry. In recent years,  vaping – the act of inhaling and exhaling or vapor (aerosol) through the use of hand-held battery-powered devices such as e-cigarettes, pens, and pods – has taken the world, youths especially by storm. Its increasing popularity has led to continuous innovation in an effort to create the best and most comfortable method of vaping, which is considered by teens nowadays as a form of bonding, association or fun.

What most people do not know is that vaping is seriously harmful to health. Most of the liquids (commonly referred to as e-juice or e-liquid) vaporized and inhaled from these devices contain nicotine and other additives which are harmful upon ingestion. Vaping, just like traditional cigarettes, comes with a plethora of negative effects including asthma and bronchitis. In addition, it also negatively impacts the development of the brain thereby impacting memory, learning, and focus. Vaping is also a doorway to the consumption of more addictive and illicit drugs. A report published by the CDC confirms that over 4.9 million middle and high school students acknowledged their use of tobacco in 2018, a steep increase from the reported 3.6 million students in 2017. 

Due to constant innovation, devices used for vaping (or Juuling as it is sometimes called) are increasingly inconspicuous in look and size, and as such, it is easier for teens to conveniently hide this habit. Also, most vaping devices produce an odorless or flavored smell which makes it increasingly difficult for parents to detect. So, it might be difficult to know whether or not your child vapes, after all, the adventurous nature of teens makes them open to experimentation every now and then.

How then can you know whether or not your child is vaping?

Signs to Show that Your Child is Vaping

As previously mentioned, the vaping industry is constantly innovating and improving vaping devices in an effort to enhance the experience and keep selling. And because teens are the primary consumers of these products, it is important for them to make products that are inconspicuous in size, look, and smell. This, however, does not mean that it is impossible to know whether or not your child is vaping. 

With a little bit of vigilance, you can tell for sure whether or not your child is vaping by looking for the following signs.

  • Nose bleeding. 

During vaping, vapor (vaporized e-juice) is pulled from the device into the mouth and then exhaled through the nostrils. Due to the lack of moisture during exhalation, the skin of the nose dries up and eventually cracks and bleeds. Also, e-liquids contain dehydrating chemicals that dry up the inside of the nose, triggering frequent nosebleeds. If your child suffers from frequent nose bleeds, you might want to check twice to make sure it is not as a result of vaping.

  • Constant Thirst

This is a somewhat common sign of vaping. People who vape suffer from dehydration – it is a pretty common side effect. One of the chemicals used in making e-juice is Propylene Glycol. This chemical has a dehydrating effect as research has discovered that it holds water molecules in, making absorption by the body impossible. As a result, the vaper is left constantly in need of water to rehydrate the body. So, if you see your child increasingly craving liquids or urinating more often, there is a high chance he/she might be vaping.

  • Vaper’s Tongue

The name itself is self-explicit – the tongue of a vaper. To enjoy the flavor of food requires moisture. This explains why we salivate when we perceive the aroma and taste of food. A dry mouth loses its perception of flavour. Constant vaping compromises this perception of flavor because of its ability to dehydrate and dry up moisture. The absence of flavor perception as a result of vaping is what is referred to as Vaper’s Tongue. So, if your teen suddenly starts enjoying unusually spicy foods or keeps reaching for the salt during meals, this may be a sign that he/she is a vaper.

  • Avoiding Caffeine

Combining caffeine and nicotine (found in most vaping devices) may sometimes lead to increased levels of anxiety and/or mood swings. This might cause someone who usually takes coffee or soda to suddenly start avoiding these to reduce these effects. So, if you notice that your child suddenly stops gulping sodas or Starbucks, it could be a call for concern. 

  • Abnormal Pens and Devices

For convenience sake, most vaping and Juuling devices come in a variety of forms. While some resemble traditional pipes, cigars, and cigarettes, others look like pens and USB sticks. Juuls, for example, look like sleek USB sticks and are very inconspicuous. Despite their similarities, most of these devices still look abnormal and unusual. So, if you come across such devices in your home, you should consider it as a red flag.

Apart from the signs discussed above, there are still a number of signs you might want to look for when suspecting your child of vaping – sleep disturbances, unusual emotional tantrums, unexplained sweet scents, pneumonia and discarded Juul pods and atomizers. The most important thing to do, however, is to educate our children on how risky vaping truly is. Most of them vape for fun with little or no knowledge of the inherent risk. 

While others argue that vaping is better than smoking, the World Health Organization stresses the effects of vaping and even goes ahead to suggest that vaping is a gateway to addiction for teens and young adults. It is therefore important to help educate our children on this issue by creating Vape Education Programs geared towards helping children learn about the dangers of vaping. 
